
You've reached the portfolio website of Dustin Walruff.

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New Magrawhat?!?! It’s a reference to one of my favorite books “The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy” by Douglas Adams. In the book, “Magrathea” is a long lost legendary planet that created made-to-order custom planets for the ultra-rich.

Dustin Walruff

About Me

I've always had a strong interest mobile design and development, from the earliest days of the iPhone being released. Years in the middle of my career I was designing and building native iPhone and Android apps for phones and tablets using a language called Wire. For several years I built react.js mobile friendly websites with focus on accessibility. I’m a huge Star Wars fan, sci-fi nut and self proclaimed geek.

My Ever Growing Skill Set

HTML5, CSS3, JS (JavaScript), React.js, XML, JSON, SQLite, WIRE, WCAG, WAI-ARIA, GIT, Wordpress, UI (User Interface Design), UX (User Experience Design), Photoshop, Sketch, Balsamiq Mockups, DaVinci Resolve